All Easter Candy is 50% off @ Walgreens.
Buy 4 bags of Hershey Kisses = $5
Rebate #25 in the Easy Saver pamphlet for $5 rebate.
Total= FREE for 4 bags of Hersheys candy!
Not familiar w/Easy saver? Read below.
*** When you get to Walgreens ask the cashier to show you the rebate pamphlet (its called the Easysaver book) And have them explain to you how to do rebates.. (if you arent familiar with them)
You can do your rebates online now, which takes 2 minutes. You'll have the option to get your rebate money back on a Walgreens gift card, or check through mail. Its up to you which one you do, the cool thing though.. is if you request your money through a gift card, Walgreens will PAY you 10% of what you are applying to your card. So basically free money! :)