Who likes to shop @ Target!?! Well Ive got a way for you to get a $25 gift card for $1.95.
Heres how you do it.. (Read my entire post before signing up)
-Sign up for
Nicoles Advantage for a
30 day trial, it costs $1.95.
What is Nicoles Advantage?
- Nicoles Advantage is a club that offers their members who pay a monthly fee, unique shopping discounts.
What is the 30 day trial @ Nicoles Advantage?? - It is a trial offer that allows you to use their services for a month for $1.95, and as a bonus right now they are offering the Target gift card.
- Most trial offers are free or charge as little as $1 for the first month.
- After signing up; You're gift card will not be immediately mailed to you..it will take a few days then you will receive an email with a link and directions to sign up for your gift card. Follow all instructions, so are able to get your gift card.
- Cancel your membership a
few days prior to your first months trial ending date. The reason you wait a few days before your trial ends, you want to make sure your gift card has had time to process. (I would strongly recommend marking your calender and setting a FEW alarms.. as a reminder to cancel your trial offer with their cancellation contact number (Which is 1-888-77WORKS.)
- When canceling your membership, the reps may try and talk you into keeping your membership, stand your ground and be firm with the fact that you just want to cancel.
- Write down all information when canceling (Cancellation #, The reps name you spoke with, Date and time you spoke) This way if you run into any problems, you have all the information needed.
Once again, set alarms or mark your calender for a reminder to cancel. The cancellation number is 1.888.77WORKS
And lastly, Please comment if you end up doing this deal.
(It can be anonymous, I would just like to know how many Ive got interested in these types of deals)